Chủ Nhật, 19 tháng 1, 2020

Nam Du Island- The heaven of Vietnam

I. What is Nam Du?

1. About Nam Du archipelago 

Nam Du is a system of the archipelago including 21 islands and islets. It is the farthest offshore archipelago in Kien Hai, Kien Giang Province.

2. The hidden pearl of Vietnam Ocean

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@thanhtuan_ig

In the last few years, Nam Du has become one of the most popular destinations in Vietnam, not only the youths but also anyone who is fond of attracting landscape, breathtaking scenery of nature, all that criteria emerged to bring the most realistic experience. This island is compared to the hidden pearl of Vietnam by not only local people but also the foreigners. With the little intervention of human beings like skyscrapers, Nam Du has barely changed since the early days. Laying your first step on the island, you will be stunned by the pristine beauty of this place, the essence that is gifted by the ocean and the sky. If you love the integrity of the landscape, want to escape from the hustling and bustling of the city, do not miss this destination, be sure it is in your travel list.

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3. How to get to Nam Du?

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@skynguyen

Starting from Ho Chi Minh city, you need to catch the bus to get to Rach Gia city ( Kien Giang province), the price usually fluctuates between 170.000 and 200.000 Vietnam Dong. I highly recommend using the bus or any four wheels vehicles because it usually takes about 5 hours from Ho Chi Minh city to Kien Giang, and you should depart at 23.00 pm on the previous day so that you can arrive at Kien Giang at to prepare for the offshore departure. After arriving at Kien Giang, you should book the speedboat ticket to arrive on the island earlier ( about 2 hours), and it is also cost-saving when traveling in a group of 7-8 people

It is very important to prepare beforehand, so you should book the ticket 2-3 days before the departure to avoid the out of ticket situation, nobody wants mishaps to procrastinate their expedition. In case you want to minimize the price, book the regular boat ticket but it would take about 5 hours to get to the island.

4. Conveyance on the island

Nam Du Island

Source: Bin Thieu – Unsplash

During the trip on Nam Du island, you can rent a motorbike from the locals, it is the major transportation of Nam Du, in the case that you do not know the way, hiring someone to be your driver is not a bad idea at all. Some of the terrains on the island that might require you to go on foot, so remind that you would need a good physical ability to trek to the mountains for stunning pictures. Besides, you can also rent the boat from the locals to explore the different parts of the island, and to get the tanning skin.

II. Best time to visit

Nam Du Island

Source: Luxury Travel

There are two distinctive seasons in Nam Du: Rain and dried season. The rain season lasts from April to November, during this time, the island constantly suffers the early rain in the morning and sea level is always higher than usual, if you want to experience the island thoroughly, make sure that you will not have to find the shelter whilst traveling. About the dried season, it usually lasts from December to March, and peaks between January and March. I highly recommend enjoying Nam Du during this time so that you can exploit all the potential of the island, from the golden sandbank to the luminous sun, along with the beauty of the marine life underwater. 

III. What to do in  Nam Du ?

Nam Du consists of a plethora of beaches that inherited from mother nature, so the major activity that you can do is explore and capture the differences between areas, beaches on the island. Besides, there are numerous islands with spectacular features that you might want to experience

1. Bai Cay Nen

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@vanvokhanh

This is one of the most glamorous beaches of Nam Du island. If you are keen on the serenity, getting away from crowded cities, there is no doubt that Bai Cay Nen is the niche that you are looking for. Unlike any beaches ranging endlessly, Bai Cay Nen is a small, charming beach lies between the hills and its coziness can seduce you any time. Above all, do not forget to enjoy the local coconut “ Dua Chi”, the unique fruit of Nam Du and the only type of coconut that only grow up on this island.

2. Bai Ngu

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@lylyngochuong

Like any other beaches on Nam Du, Bai Ngu is covered by the stunning sandbank and a wide range of coconut palms. However, there is one spotlight that helps Bai Ngu stands out of the others, there is a well “ Gieng Vua” is located in Bai Ngu, it is called “well of King” in English. It is said that this well was dug a long time ago just to serve the royal family.

3. Nam Du lighthouse

Lighthouse is the common architect of every island, coastal cities of not only in Vietnam but also in the world, it is given the sole purpose, is to guide the direction for the water path vehicles by its luminous light. The lighthouse of Nam Du is the tallest lighthouse in Vietnam thanks to its special location at the peak of the hill at an altitude of 300 meters. The admission fee is about 10.000 Vietnam Dong. To get to the lighthouse, you can rent a motorbike from the locals, otherwise, you can take a stroll to enjoy the view and keep fit simultaneously 

4. Hon Nom 

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@baochungg

One of a particular area on Nam Du island. Right here you will definitely want to try the unique signature dish of Hon Nom is fish “ Xuong Xanh”, a type of fish that is rich in nutrients, with the tender cuts would turn blue once get cooked.

5. Hon Mau 

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@lylyngochuong

Hon Mau is 1 of 21 islets of Nam Du archipelago, this place concentrates the highest density of fishermen. They say that Hon Mau is the gem of Nam Du due to its stunning corals and diverse marine life.

6. Hon Cu Tron

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagam@lexuantrinh2911

This area is in the Gulf of Thailand, nominated as the most beautiful beach of Nam Du, highlighted by the range of coconut trees, some of them are over 80 years old.

7. Hai Hon Bo Dap

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@trangnguyen8286

This is a gorgeous, quiet island that belongs to Nam Du, this area is mostly utilized for camping, fishing and many other activities such as bathing in the sea, sunbathing. This is an ideal spot to hold the team building activity because of its spaciousness.

8. Hon Ngang

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@mandy.lai77

Hon Ngang is the center of Nam Du. The most business harbor of the island, most of the local people gather in this area for a fishing career. If you are a seafood lover, do not skip this spot, because you will see breathing marines are waiting to serve.

9. Ma Thien Lanh Hill

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@duonghai_

Most visitors come to Nam Du because of rumors revolving around a hill named “ Ma Thien Lanh”. The myth of the fairies landed right at the peak. Later, the hill contains the most vivid forest and the mysterious caves of the island. On the way to Ma Thien Lanh, there are still some sculptures, hieroglyph since the past. Typically, you can also see the disclosure of the statue of Buddha.

IV. What to eat in Nam Du ?

As mentioned, if you are an avid fan of seafood, you will not want to miss this island. Not only because it’s primitive beauty, but also the yield of seafood that has fed the local people on the island for decades. Vietnam fishermen have the noble tradition is that they worship, honor the Gods of the sea, show their gratitude by living harmoniously with nature, orienting their descendants to inherit their career, is to go fishing every day and appreciate the gifts that ocean has given to them.

1. Fish “ Xuong Xanh” – Priceless meat of Nam Du

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@thanhtuyen0502

Xanh Xuong, lives in the ocean and they are only caught by fishermen. Despite the most complicated cultivating wildlife species method, yet, Xuong Xanh is still the obstacle when no one could adapt the cultivation of this species. Some people said that they could only absorb natural suppliers. Hence, the meat of Xuong Xanh is invaluable to the locals and the visitors of the island. Some of the dishes are advised: Grilled Xuong Xanh in Banana leaf, dried Xuong Xanh with salt and chili.

2. Nam Du scallop

Nam Du Island

Source: hoianfoodtour – Flickr

The scallop is a well-known sell fish for its delicate, tender meat inside the solid shell. Dishes from scallop can vary widely such as grilled scallop with green onion, roasted scallop with salt and pepper.

3. Sun-dried fish

Nam Du Island

Source: Luxury Travel

Dried- fish in Nam Du is the most common specialty when it appears at every corner on the island. Fishes are filled and then they will be disclosed under the sun. Except for the sun, there is virtually no heat interfere with the cooking process, but still, ensure the taste and the quality of the cuts. Dried fish in Nam Du is a must-try when you can sit down next to the beach, nibble dried- fish with a sip of beer, and do not forget to enjoy with your friends, family, and spouse.

4. Sea urchin- The present from the sea

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@thaaoothaaoo

Along with fish “Xuong Xanh”, sea urchin of Nam Du gains a certain reputation due to its richness in nutrients, high standard meat behind the rough, pointy shell. Porridge sea urchin is the most favorable dish. Unlike any other seafood soups, you can taste the flavor fusion from the ocean such as crabs, prawns. In the case you are an adventurous, risky person, let’s try the raw sea urchin with the slice of lime, you can taste fully fatty flavor of the urchin when it is still moving.  

5. An endless gift of the sea

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@maijo_restaurant

Apart from those specialties, seafood is an abundant resource in Nam Du, you can also find the oysters, one of the most precious seafood, and lots of species of crabs like sentinel-crab, this species is famous for it juicy, rich in the flesh. Squid is another option for the meal on Nam Du, during the expedition on the boat, you can witness the fishermen catch and cook squids instantly.  No one can resist the fresh, sweet taste from the ocean. Most importantly, compared to other destination in Vietnam where the price of seafood is prohibitively expensive, right in Nam Du you can purchase dozens of things ( prawns, squid, scallop) without concerning about the price, thanks to natural location and the present that ocean has gifted Nam Du, you can fully enjoy the sightseeing and the infinite dishes from the ocean.

V. Where am  I going to stay?

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@oanh_nguyen179

There is a wide range of types of accommodation in Nam Du that you can choose such as homestay, motels, and so forth. Their prices are reasonable and you can enjoy the daily life of local people closely. If you want to experience the sunrise right on the beach with your spouse, there are few options for you with little charming rooms that face the beach, and the price is a bit higher than the others ( about 400.000 Vietnam Dong/ night). Besides, there are numerous options for groups, you can easily rent the dorms with the similar price, otherwise, you can camp, set up the tent and enjoy the barbecue party, remember to pay the locals for cleaning up fee.

1. Bai Soi Beach

Nam Du Island

Source: Instagram@ductai2608

Bai Soi Beach is located in Hon Cu Tron, this is the only resort and restaurant on Nam Du island that hide away from the crowd of the islanders. Right here, you would find the serenity of Nam Du, and the privacy of couples as well. The architecture of the buildings was completely built by natural material, and the view is absolutely spectacular when you can wake up and the sunrise within your sight. Furthermore, you might adorn the charm of the corals whilst diving. The type of rooms can vary from couples to groups. 

Contact Us: 

Address No.456 Lac Long Quan Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phone: (+84) 4 3927 4120


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The post Nam Du Island- The heaven of Vietnam appeared first on Luxury Travel's Blog.

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