Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 1, 2023

Need to Know Before Travelling to Myanmar

1. What happening in Myanmar

Our country, Myanmar is struggling to achieve economic and political stability due to civil unrest and armed conflict, so travel restricted outside major cities and Military checkpoints on road are common. That’s why we would recommend travelling by flight only between tourist destinations. No Train, No Express Bus, No Cruise, and No road trip for the 2023 selling period.

In parts of Chin, Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Rakhine, Shan, Sagaing, Magway, Mon state & Tanintharyi region – Dawei, Laung Lone, Thayet Chaung, and Myanmar’s Boarder areas, tourists must avoid those regions where civil unrest and armed conflict occur and the situations may change at any time.

Myanmar tours

Myanmar tours

2. Need Permission to visit (before traveling to Myanmar)

Permission from local authorities is required to visit certain areas because Military checkpoints on roads are common.

Covid -19 Travel Requirements

  • If the visitors are fully vaccinated, at least 14 days before arrival to Myanmar, they do not have to do PCR tests or quarantine. (Tourists must have a printed Covid-19 Vaccination certificate original in the English version)
  • Children under the age of 6 years travelling with fully vaccinated parents or guardians do not need a vaccination certificate.
  • If the visitors are not fully vaccinated, they must have laboratory evidence of Covid-19 negative result (RT-PCR) issued within 72 hours before arrival to Myanmar.

Online eVisa

Currently, passengers with eVisa are only permitted to enter via the following ports:

  • Yangon International Airport
  • Mandalay International Airport

We will announce other ports of entry in due course

Any foreign national with a valid entry visa may enter and exit to/from Myanmar only at Yangon International Airport and Mandalay International Airport in accordance with the existing rules and regulations.

3. Countries, Visa exemption for Tourist visit

Effective from 01 September 2022, ordinary passport holders from the following countries do not require a visa for tourist visits of up to 14 days if entering and departing from Yangon, Mandalay International Airports. If you would like to stay in Myanmar for over 14 days, please apply for the appropriate e-Visa.

Lux Travel DMC Experiences

No Country Exemption Period
1  Brunei 14 days
2  Cambodia 14 days
3  Indonesia 14 days
4  Laos 14 days
5  Philippines 14 days
6  Thailand 14 days
7  Vietnam 30 days
8  Singapore 30 days

4. Countries, eligible to apply for Tourist eVisa

Ordinary passport holders from the following countries and Taiwan are eligible to apply Tourist eVisa:

No. Country Name No. Country Name
1. Albania 51. Kenya
2. Algeria 52. Korea, DPR
3. Argentina 53. Korea, Republic
4. Australia 54. Kuwait
5. Austria 55. Kyrgyzstan
6. Bangladesh 56. Laos
7. Belarus 57. Latvia
8. Belgium 58. Lithuania
9. Bhutan 59. Luxembourg
10. Bolivia 60. Malaysia
11. Bosnia 61. Maldive
12. Brazil 62. Malta
13. Brunei 63. Mauritius
14. Bulgaria 64. Mexico
15. Cambodia 65. Monaco
16. Cameroon 66. Mongolia
17. Canada 67. Morocco
18. Chile 68. Nepal
19. China 69. Netherlands
20. Colombia 70. New Zeland
21. Costa Rica 71. Norway
22. Côte d’Ivoire 72. Pakistan
23. Croatia 73. Panama
24. Cyprus 74. Peru
25. CZECH 75. Philippines
26. Denmark 76. Poland
27. Ecuador 77. Portugal
28. Egypt 78. Qatar
29. Eritrea 79. Romania
30. Estonia 80. Russia
31. Fiji 81. Saudi Arabia
32. Finland 82. Serbia
33. France 83. Singapore
34. Georgia 84. Slovakia
35. Germany 85. Slovenia
36. Ghana 86. South Africa
37. Greece 87. Spain
38. Guatemala 88. Sri lanka
39. Guinea 89. Sweden
40. Hungary 90. Switzerland
41. Iceland 91. Thailand
42. India 92. Turkey
43. Indonesia 93. Uganda
44. Ireland 94. Ukraine
45. Israel 95. United Kingdom
46. Italy 96. United States of America
47. Jamaica 97. Uruguay
48. Japan 98. Uzbekistan
49. Jordan 99. Venezuela
50. Kazakhstan 100. Vietnam

 5. Travel-restricted areas for Tourist

There are Restricted Areas for Foreigners and Tourists travelling in the Country. For more information, please visit For information on restricted areas, please go to

mandalay u bein bridge


  • Travellers must stay in registered hotels or guest houses and carry their passports. Officials may ask to see it.
  • Remain aware of the security environment at all times.
  • Avoid all public gatherings, protests, and areas of known and possible unrest.
  • Violence, including explosions and attacks, can occur anywhere and anytime, the main targets have been government infrastructure, police and military vehicles, and security and administrative personnel.
  • Monitor the media and keep in close contact with friends, and family, and also carefully assess the security situation, including curfews and travel restrictions.
  • A curfew is in place from 12 am to 4am in the Yangon region. Curfew timings may differ in other regions and may change at short notice.
  • There are disruptions to basic services, including electric power, ATM banking, phone and internet communications, and public health. Have arrangements in place for your essential needs. Services such as transport, travel, and fuel may be affected.
  • Be careful when taking photos. It’s illegal to photograph military personnel or sites.

Local Laws

  • Don’t use or carry illegal drugs. Punishments include the death penalty.
  • Drinking alcohol in public places is illegal.
  • Myanmar has strict communications laws, including laws being considered to prohibit the use of VPNs. Financial or Criminal penalties may apply.
  • Don’t post negative comments about individuals or Myanmar on social media.
  • Myanmar has strict religious laws. It’s illegal to take religious materials in or out of the country without approval.

Customs rules are restrictive. Seek prior permission to import drones or radio equipment. Drones have been seized by customs officials and tourists have been arrested for operating drones. There are also strict rules about exporting gems, antiques, and images of Buddha. Check items are legal before you buy them.

For further support about updating news in Myanmar, tours to Myanmar, or travel guides to Myanmar,  you may contact the Lux Travel DMC team at

The post Need to Know Before Travelling to Myanmar first appeared on Lux Travel DMC's Blog.

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