Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 2, 2022

Vietnam officially Reopen International Tourism from March 15

The Vietnamese government agreed to reopen inbound and outbound tourism from March 15 under new normal conditions on Wednesday, 15 February 2022.

1. Vietnamese government agree to reopen international tourism from March 15

On Tuesday, Ministries agreed that Vietnam fully reopens its air, land and sea borders from March 15. According to the approval, the government would remove all travel restrictions imposed since the pandemic broke out in 2020.

Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam asked the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to announce a detailed reopening plan to be applied nationwide. The PM asked the ministry to work with the Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs to make a proposal on visa issuance policy.

The ministries proposed the government resume the unilateral visa exemption policy for 13 countries and bilateral for 88 countries and territories as prior to the pandemic. These countries include Russia, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, the U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Belarus. Visas for the tourists from these countries maximize 15 days.

2. New requirements are easier and simpler

Foreign tourists arriving in Vietnam do not need book tour packages with designated travel agencies as per the ongoing vaccine passport trial program launched in November last year.

All tourists aged from 12 and above need to have a fully vaccinated certificate or recovered from Covid.

Foreign tourists arriving by air must have a certificate of a negative SARS-CoV-2 test result by RT-PCR technique issued within 72 hours before entry. Alternatively, they can show the rapid test within 24 hours . Foreign tourists arriving by sea/land must have a certificate of a negative SARS-CoV test result 24 hours for rapid test (except child under 2 yrs).

International visitors arriving by air would self isolate in their hotel or accommodation facility for one day. Until they furnish a negative Covid test result, they can visit travel destinations in Vietnam. Furthermore, they would continue monitoring their health for 14 days as per health ministry protocol.

Foreign travelers showing Covid symptoms would have to undergo rapid Covid testing when they land at the airport.

International visitors to Vietnam need to have medical insurance cover for Covid treatment. It costs at least $10,000, which is around $30.

When entering Vietnam, they must install and use the health declaration application (PC-COVID) to make health declarations and monitor their health in accordance with local regulations.

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Source: Tim Easley (Unsplash)

3. Procedures for effective control of the COVID-19 pandemic after arrival

• Visitors would go straight to their hotel and self-isolate for 1 day to wait for test result.
• In case of a negative result, they can continue their schedule. In case of a positive result, the company/accommodation establishment will be responsible for working with health facilities and local authorities on quarantine and treatment for visitors.
• Foreign visitors self-monitor their health within 14 days from the date of entry. Besides, they would follow the local regulations and instructions of service suppliers.
• Services suppliers should have procedures to ensure the safety and effective control of pandemics. They need to careflly support visitors, and arranging quarantine accommodation.

The post Vietnam officially Reopen International Tourism from March 15 appeared first on Luxury Travel's Blog.

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