Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 4, 2020

Visit Cu Chi Tunnels, Saigon & Learn About Vietnam’s Guerilla War

Filled with bunkers, shelters, and traps, there’s no better example for the ingenuity of the Viet Cong military forces than the Cu Chi tunnels. The astounding underground structure not only housed Viet Cong soldiers and personnel but also provided medical facilities and many other amenities. For a day away from Ho Chi Minh city, the Cu Chi tunnels are definitely worth a spot on your bucket list!

I. General Information




First of all, it is important to note that there are 2 systems of tunnels which you visit. Both of these systems are located in Cu Chi, northwest of Ho Chi Minh city.

The closer tunnel system is the Ben Dinh tunnels, which is roughly 50 kilometers away from Ho Chi Minh city. This system was once the operation base for the Cu Chi Party Committee. While less of a hassle to travel to, the Ben Dinh tunnels are less extensive than the other and may provide a more touristy experience. You also miss out on the opportunity to completely leave behind urban landscapes and take in the refreshing greenery of the Vietnamese countryside, since this tunnel system is closer to the city. 

The farther of the two systems is the Ben Duoc tunnels, located nearly 70 kilometers off Ho Chi Minh city. As mentioned, Ben Duoc is the more extensive of the two tunnel systems and provides a far superior experience in terms of authenticity. The system was also more pivotal during wartime, as it served as the strategic headquarters not only for the Cu Chi District, but also the entirety of Saigon – Gia Dinh resistance operations. 

So what’s our recommendation? Simply put, go with Ben Dinh if you’re pressed for time, but visit Ben Duoc if you’re up for the most authentic experience of crawling through a past resistance facility. Keep reading for insights on both destinations!


How to get there


There are many ways to get to the Cu Chi tunnels. If you are planning to travel on the cheap, a good option would be via public transportation. 

There is no direct bus line from Ho Chi Minh city to either of the tunnel systems, but you can catch bus 13 at the 23/9 park in district 1 to get to Cu Chi Station. From there, you can take bus 63 to get to Ben Dinh and bus 79 to get to Ben Duoc. The price of bus tickets is minimal, and a two-way trip should not take more than 2 dollars.

If you feel like taking to the waterways, you can also opt to ride the waterbus at Bach Dang station in district 1. Ticket prices range from 150.000 to 200.000 Vietnamese dong, which is quite higher than regular bus rides. However, the cruising experience offers much in terms of sightseeing, convenience, and speed.

Last but not least, you can also reach Cu Chi quite easily on a trusty two-wheeler. While this is more for the adventurous, renting a motorbike and enjoying a scoot through the varying landscape along the way, from bustling urban to picturesque country, is arguably the best way to reach the tunnels. 


Opening hours


Both of the two tunnel systems are open everyday, including Sunday and visitor entry is allowed from 8 AM to 5 PM. 


Ticket info


Ben Duoc tunnels: 90.000 VND/pax
Ben Dinh tunnels: 110.000 VND/pax

Tickets do come with special discounts for national and international holidays.

II. The history of the Cu Chi tunnels

In the late 1940s, as a military effort during the war for independence from the French colonial regime, the Vietnamese resistance forces began to dig a system of underground tunnels. Due to the lack of equipment, human hands were often the main tool to dig through kilometers of underground soil. 

Needless to say, progress was rather sluggish, but it was also consistent. In the early 1960s, in light of the increasing military involvement of the US, the resistance forces further expanded the tunnels to prepare for the oncoming Vietnam War. In fact, the tunnels were extended to as long as 250 kilometers, stretching from the outlying areas of Saigon to close to the borders of Cambodia. 

The disguise of the tunnel warfare is so sophisticated that it cannot be found out that under it was a whole complicated system

The tunnels were a key component in the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong’s guerilla tactics against their high-tech and well-armed enemies. Specifically, the tunnels provided shelter against aerial bombings – a strategy employed heavily by the US. Underground, soldiers and civilian forces could rest, cook, receive medical care, discuss strategies, or even enjoy some improvised music performances to ease the burden of war. 

The disguise is proof of the intelligence of Vietnamese Soldier

Given the importance of the Cu Chi tunnels, the US had launched several campaigns to undermine this extensive underground system. Specially trained soldiers dubbed ‘tunnel rats’ were dispatched to scout the tunnels indicating key areas and traps laid by the resistance forces. 

In a 1966 effort called ‘Operation Crimp’, several B-52 bombers were called in to hammer the tunnel area with powerful explosives. This proved vastly unsuccessful and failed to achieve its goal of sweeping the Vietnamese forces out of the Cu Chi jungle, as most of them had already retreated into the deep and nearly unnavigable tunnels. Another approach in this campaign was to seal off tunnel entrances by throwing grenades or pumping poisonous gases into them. Once again, this was to little effect, as the tunnels’ designs and air filtration prevented these attacks from leaving much impact. A similar campaign called ‘Operation Cedar Falls’ one year later at a bigger scale, but only was not able to fully extinguish the resistance forces hiding deep down below. 

Overall, in its years of active use, the Cu Chi tunnels were a massive strategic advantage for Vietnamese forces, allowing them to control the battle and giving them a place to retreat to. Nowadays, while parts of the tunnels have caved in, the remnants have been reinforced and turned into an attractive tourist destination.

III. What to do at the Cu Chi tunnels


Explore the tunnels


Regardless of whether you choose Ben Duoc or Ben Dinh, the experience of venturing through the underground tunnels that used to house one of the most ingenious guerilla forces is both exhilarating and enlightening. 

To get the most out of your tunneling adventure, we have assembled a few tips to help you out:

  1. Put on comfortable clothing and footwear so you can move easily. While rooms are quite reasonably sized, the stretches of tunnels connecting them are cramped even by Vietnamese standards (especially in Ben Duoc, where for the sake of authenticity the tunnels have not been expanded as much as Ben Dinh). If you are anywhere taller than 150 centimeters, do expect to lower your head or even crawl through some sections.
  2. Be prepared to get dirty. As mentioned, it is expected that you will have to writhe your way through several portions of the tunnels, so make sure you have a change of clothes ready!
  3. Carry a flashlight. The majority of tunnels are lit very dimly to stay faithful to how they were during the war.
  4. Pay attention! As you make your way through the tunnels, you are likely to encounter functional rooms wherein medical procedures, meetings, cooking, or even entertainment activities have taken place. There are quite a few mannequin reconstructions set in these rooms to give context, so do look around to see if you happen to be in a kitchen, office, or surgery room.
  5. The tunnels contain quite a number of insects, so bug repellents would come in handy.
  6. There are also bats in the tunnels. Be prepared!
  7. The Cu Chi tunnels are NOT for the claustrophobic and nyctophobic. If you find yourself prone to extreme reactions in small and dark places, you can opt to visit a few larger rooms that are closer to the surface or look through the war exhibits on display at both tunnel sites.


  • Check out the shooting range 


A shooting range is set up at both locations for visitors to test their marksman skills. You can choose to fire a range of weapons such as the AK47 and M16 rifles or the M60 and M30 machine guns, each with its own cost per round ranging from 20.000 to 40.000 (0.8 – 1.8 USD).

The staff there does offer you proper guidance and safety measures to get the most out of your experience, but only people 16 and above who are in good health conditions are allowed to take this activity.


  • Feast on Cu Chi cuisine


Like most places in Vietnam, Cu Chi comes with its own delectable eats. Here is our list of some must-try culinary items when you’re in Cu Chi:

1. Cu Chi young beef (Bo to Cu Chi)

Beef is everywhere, but beef as soft and juicy as Bo To Cu Chi can only be found here. To achieve its melting tenderness, the beef has to be taken from cows that are no older than 5 or 6 months.

There are a variety of ways in which Cu Chi beef can be prepared and enjoyed. One of the most common way the folks here do it is by steaming thin slices and wrapping them in rice paper with various herbs. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Vietnamese dish without some intricate sauce or dipping, and in this case the options include anchovy sauce, fermented shrimp paste, or the southern-style sweet and sour fish sauce. 

Additionally, you can also enjoy some bo nhung giam, which is a mouth-watering beef hotpot with vinegar. 

4. Young jackfruit salad (Mit non tron thit)

Jackfruit plants can be found in many areas of Cu Chi. Thus, the local produce goes straight into creating one of the tastiest salads of Vietnam. To be made into salad, pieces of young jackfruit are sliced thinly and added to a mix of various herbs or pickled veggies, along with several kinds of meat or shrimp. While the jackfruit itself doesn’t provide much flavor, its chewy texture is the real star of the dish. This salad can be eaten with rice, grilled rice paper, or just by itself.

3. Boiled cassava root (Khoai mi hap nuoc dua)

While not the most inviting dish, boiled cassava roots are culinary icons of the Cu Chi tunnels. The starchy roots were used as the main source of food for the Vietnamese forces residing in the tunnels, as they are relatively easy to cook and fill you up quickly.  Nowadays, you can find this dish in restaurants in both the Ben Dinh and Ben Duoc tunnels, as well as in most restaurants in Cu Chi. Cassava roots are often boiled and eaten with a mix of crushed peanuts, sugar, and coconut milk.

4. Sugarcane juice with durian (Nuoc mia sau rieng)

Having filled your stomach with some tasty treats, the next thing you need is definitely a good refreshment. While sugarcane juice can be found in stalls all across Vietnam, it’s Cu Chi that takes the credit for one of the most unique variations of sugarcane juice – the one with durian added. While the smell of durian can be hard to overcome, its mildly sweet flavor and soft texture add wonders to the regular version of the drink. If you can’t handle durian, however, rest assured that most stalls do offer the usual plain sugarcane juice for you to rehydrate.

IV. Around Cu Chi tunnels


  • Ben Duoc memorial temple


At the end of the Ben Duoc tunnels stands a grand memorial temple of the same name. The temple was built by the Communist Party Committee to commemorate those in the Saigon-Gia Dinh area who fought and sacrificed themselves throughout both the war against French colonialism and the Vietnam war. 

The solemn temple carries an architectural style that is reminiscent of many Vietnamese pagodas and shrines, except for its bright red roof tiles – a symbol for all the blood that had been shed during the two wars. Behind the gates lie a spacious and colorful flower garden, a tower, a grand temple, an inscription house, along with a basement. 

Throughout the Ben Duoc memorial temple, you can find paintings, sculptures and statues that depict the Saigon-Gia Dinh people’s heroic fight for freedom and independence. You can also encounter inscriptions of honoring words for the thousands who sacrificed their lives.


  • Cao Dai Great Temple


The Cao Dai religion, also known as Caodaism, is a distinctly southern religion of Vietnam. Founded in Tay Ninh in 1926 by a Vietnamese official working for the French administration, the religion is unique in worshipping their deity Cao Dai, as well as honoring a range of figures such as Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Confucius, Julius Caesar, and more. 

The Cao Dai Great Temple, situated within the Cao Dai Holy See, is the grandest of all Caodaist temples and serves as a center for pilgrimage and worship. As peculiar as the religion itself, the temple’s cathedral-like layout and colorful wall and ceiling decorations present a blend of architectural styles that intrigues both the mind and eyes. 

Coming here, you are promised a visual feast as you admire the gorgeous exterior and interior of the temple. For those passionate about discovering new cultures and religions, you can relish the opportunity to watch Caodaists carry out their daily ceremonies in dozens. 

The Cao Dai Great Temple is roughly 55 kilometers away from the Cu Chi tunnels, making it a great addition to your away-from-Saigon trip. To learn more about the temple, check out our Cao Dai Temples article!

V. Travel with us

Ready to dive into the depths of the Cu Chi tunnels? Book a tour with Luxury Travel to get the best out of your trip. We offer custom-made tour itineraries tailored to your demands, along with premium services that cater to your every need and unique cultural insights and experiences from our seasoned guides. 

Contact us at: 

Address: No.456 Lac Long Quan Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: (+84) 4 3927 4120
Hotline: (+84) 1234 68 69 96

The post Visit Cu Chi Tunnels, Saigon & Learn About Vietnam’s Guerilla War appeared first on Luxury Travel's Blog.

Visit Cu Chi Tunnels, Saigon & Learn About Vietnam’s Guerilla War

Filled with bunkers, shelters, and traps, there’s no better example for the ingenuity of the Viet Cong military forces than the Cu Chi tunnels. The astounding underground structure not only housed Viet Cong soldiers and personnel but also provided medical facilities and many other amenities. For a day away from Ho Chi Minh city, the Cu Chi tunnels are definitely worth a spot on your bucket list!

I. General Information




First of all, it is important to note that there are 2 systems of tunnels which you visit. Both of these systems are located in Cu Chi, northwest of Ho Chi Minh city.

The closer tunnel system is the Ben Dinh tunnels, which is roughly 50 kilometers away from Ho Chi Minh city. This system was once the operation base for the Cu Chi Party Committee. While less of a hassle to travel to, the Ben Dinh tunnels are less extensive than the other and may provide a more touristy experience. You also miss out on the opportunity to completely leave behind urban landscapes and take in the refreshing greenery of the Vietnamese countryside, since this tunnel system is closer to the city. 

The farther of the two systems is the Ben Duoc tunnels, located nearly 70 kilometers off Ho Chi Minh city. As mentioned, Ben Duoc is the more extensive of the two tunnel systems and provides a far superior experience in terms of authenticity. The system was also more pivotal during wartime, as it served as the strategic headquarters not only for the Cu Chi District, but also the entirety of Saigon – Gia Dinh resistance operations. 

So what’s our recommendation? Simply put, go with Ben Dinh if you’re pressed for time, but visit Ben Duoc if you’re up for the most authentic experience of crawling through a past resistance facility. Keep reading for insights on both destinations!


How to get there


There are many ways to get to the Cu Chi tunnels. If you are planning to travel on the cheap, a good option would be via public transportation. 

There is no direct bus line from Ho Chi Minh city to either of the tunnel systems, but you can catch bus 13 at the 23/9 park in district 1 to get to Cu Chi Station. From there, you can take bus 63 to get to Ben Dinh and bus 79 to get to Ben Duoc. The price of bus tickets is minimal, and a two-way trip should not take more than 2 dollars.

If you feel like taking to the waterways, you can also opt to ride the waterbus at Bach Dang station in district 1. Ticket prices range from 150.000 to 200.000 Vietnamese dong, which is quite higher than regular bus rides. However, the cruising experience offers much in terms of sightseeing, convenience, and speed.

Last but not least, you can also reach Cu Chi quite easily on a trusty two-wheeler. While this is more for the adventurous, renting a motorbike and enjoying a scoot through the varying landscape along the way, from bustling urban to picturesque country, is arguably the best way to reach the tunnels. 


Opening hours


Both of the two tunnel systems are open everyday, including Sunday and visitor entry is allowed from 8 AM to 5 PM. 


Ticket info


Ben Duoc tunnels: 90.000 VND/pax
Ben Dinh tunnels: 110.000 VND/pax

Tickets do come with special discounts for national and international holidays.

II. The history of the Cu Chi tunnels

In the late 1940s, as a military effort during the war for independence from the French colonial regime, the Vietnamese resistance forces began to dig a system of underground tunnels. Due to the lack of equipment, human hands were often the main tool to dig through kilometers of underground soil. 

Needless to say, progress was rather sluggish, but it was also consistent. In the early 1960s, in light of the increasing military involvement of the US, the resistance forces further expanded the tunnels to prepare for the oncoming Vietnam War. In fact, the tunnels were extended to as long as 250 kilometers, stretching from the outlying areas of Saigon to close to the borders of Cambodia. 

The disguise of the tunnel warfare is so sophisticated that it cannot be found out that under it was a whole complicated system

The tunnels were a key component in the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong’s guerilla tactics against their high-tech and well-armed enemies. Specifically, the tunnels provided shelter against aerial bombings – a strategy employed heavily by the US. Underground, soldiers and civilian forces could rest, cook, receive medical care, discuss strategies, or even enjoy some improvised music performances to ease the burden of war. 

The disguise is proof of the intelligence of Vietnamese Soldier

Given the importance of the Cu Chi tunnels, the US had launched several campaigns to undermine this extensive underground system. Specially trained soldiers dubbed ‘tunnel rats’ were dispatched to scout the tunnels indicating key areas and traps laid by the resistance forces. 

In a 1966 effort called ‘Operation Crimp’, several B-52 bombers were called in to hammer the tunnel area with powerful explosives. This proved vastly unsuccessful and failed to achieve its goal of sweeping the Vietnamese forces out of the Cu Chi jungle, as most of them had already retreated into the deep and nearly unnavigable tunnels. Another approach in this campaign was to seal off tunnel entrances by throwing grenades or pumping poisonous gases into them. Once again, this was to little effect, as the tunnels’ designs and air filtration prevented these attacks from leaving much impact. A similar campaign called ‘Operation Cedar Falls’ one year later at a bigger scale, but only was not able to fully extinguish the resistance forces hiding deep down below. 

Overall, in its years of active use, the Cu Chi tunnels were a massive strategic advantage for Vietnamese forces, allowing them to control the battle and giving them a place to retreat to. Nowadays, while parts of the tunnels have caved in, the remnants have been reinforced and turned into an attractive tourist destination.

III. What to do at the Cu Chi tunnels


Explore the tunnels


Regardless of whether you choose Ben Duoc or Ben Dinh, the experience of venturing through the underground tunnels that used to house one of the most ingenious guerilla forces is both exhilarating and enlightening. 

To get the most out of your tunneling adventure, we have assembled a few tips to help you out:

  1. Put on comfortable clothing and footwear so you can move easily. While rooms are quite reasonably sized, the stretches of tunnels connecting them are cramped even by Vietnamese standards (especially in Ben Duoc, where for the sake of authenticity the tunnels have not been expanded as much as Ben Dinh). If you are anywhere taller than 150 centimeters, do expect to lower your head or even crawl through some sections.
  2. Be prepared to get dirty. As mentioned, it is expected that you will have to writhe your way through several portions of the tunnels, so make sure you have a change of clothes ready!
  3. Carry a flashlight. The majority of tunnels are lit very dimly to stay faithful to how they were during the war.
  4. Pay attention! As you make your way through the tunnels, you are likely to encounter functional rooms wherein medical procedures, meetings, cooking, or even entertainment activities have taken place. There are quite a few mannequin reconstructions set in these rooms to give context, so do look around to see if you happen to be in a kitchen, office, or surgery room.
  5. The tunnels contain quite a number of insects, so bug repellents would come in handy.
  6. There are also bats in the tunnels. Be prepared!
  7. The Cu Chi tunnels are NOT for the claustrophobic and nyctophobic. If you find yourself prone to extreme reactions in small and dark places, you can opt to visit a few larger rooms that are closer to the surface or look through the war exhibits on display at both tunnel sites.


  • Check out the shooting range 


A shooting range is set up at both locations for visitors to test their marksman skills. You can choose to fire a range of weapons such as the AK47 and M16 rifles or the M60 and M30 machine guns, each with its own cost per round ranging from 20.000 to 40.000 (0.8 – 1.8 USD).

The staff there does offer you proper guidance and safety measures to get the most out of your experience, but only people 16 and above who are in good health conditions are allowed to take this activity.


  • Feast on Cu Chi cuisine


Like most places in Vietnam, Cu Chi comes with its own delectable eats. Here is our list of some must-try culinary items when you’re in Cu Chi:

1. Cu Chi young beef (Bo to Cu Chi)

Beef is everywhere, but beef as soft and juicy as Bo To Cu Chi can only be found here. To achieve its melting tenderness, the beef has to be taken from cows that are no older than 5 or 6 months.

There are a variety of ways in which Cu Chi beef can be prepared and enjoyed. One of the most common way the folks here do it is by steaming thin slices and wrapping them in rice paper with various herbs. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Vietnamese dish without some intricate sauce or dipping, and in this case the options include anchovy sauce, fermented shrimp paste, or the southern-style sweet and sour fish sauce. 

Additionally, you can also enjoy some bo nhung giam, which is a mouth-watering beef hotpot with vinegar. 

4. Young jackfruit salad (Mit non tron thit)

Jackfruit plants can be found in many areas of Cu Chi. Thus, the local produce goes straight into creating one of the tastiest salads of Vietnam. To be made into salad, pieces of young jackfruit are sliced thinly and added to a mix of various herbs or pickled veggies, along with several kinds of meat or shrimp. While the jackfruit itself doesn’t provide much flavor, its chewy texture is the real star of the dish. This salad can be eaten with rice, grilled rice paper, or just by itself.

3. Boiled cassava root (Khoai mi hap nuoc dua)

While not the most inviting dish, boiled cassava roots are culinary icons of the Cu Chi tunnels. The starchy roots were used as the main source of food for the Vietnamese forces residing in the tunnels, as they are relatively easy to cook and fill you up quickly.  Nowadays, you can find this dish in restaurants in both the Ben Dinh and Ben Duoc tunnels, as well as in most restaurants in Cu Chi. Cassava roots are often boiled and eaten with a mix of crushed peanuts, sugar, and coconut milk.

4. Sugarcane juice with durian (Nuoc mia sau rieng)

Having filled your stomach with some tasty treats, the next thing you need is definitely a good refreshment. While sugarcane juice can be found in stalls all across Vietnam, it’s Cu Chi that takes the credit for one of the most unique variations of sugarcane juice – the one with durian added. While the smell of durian can be hard to overcome, its mildly sweet flavor and soft texture add wonders to the regular version of the drink. If you can’t handle durian, however, rest assured that most stalls do offer the usual plain sugarcane juice for you to rehydrate.

IV. Around Cu Chi tunnels


  • Ben Duoc memorial temple


At the end of the Ben Duoc tunnels stands a grand memorial temple of the same name. The temple was built by the Communist Party Committee to commemorate those in the Saigon-Gia Dinh area who fought and sacrificed themselves throughout both the war against French colonialism and the Vietnam war. 

The solemn temple carries an architectural style that is reminiscent of many Vietnamese pagodas and shrines, except for its bright red roof tiles – a symbol for all the blood that had been shed during the two wars. Behind the gates lie a spacious and colorful flower garden, a tower, a grand temple, an inscription house, along with a basement. 

Throughout the Ben Duoc memorial temple, you can find paintings, sculptures and statues that depict the Saigon-Gia Dinh people’s heroic fight for freedom and independence. You can also encounter inscriptions of honoring words for the thousands who sacrificed their lives.


  • Cao Dai Great Temple


The Cao Dai religion, also known as Caodaism, is a distinctly southern religion of Vietnam. Founded in Tay Ninh in 1926 by a Vietnamese official working for the French administration, the religion is unique in worshipping their deity Cao Dai, as well as honoring a range of figures such as Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Confucius, Julius Caesar, and more. 

The Cao Dai Great Temple, situated within the Cao Dai Holy See, is the grandest of all Caodaist temples and serves as a center for pilgrimage and worship. As peculiar as the religion itself, the temple’s cathedral-like layout and colorful wall and ceiling decorations present a blend of architectural styles that intrigues both the mind and eyes. 

Coming here, you are promised a visual feast as you admire the gorgeous exterior and interior of the temple. For those passionate about discovering new cultures and religions, you can relish the opportunity to watch Caodaists carry out their daily ceremonies in dozens. 

The Cao Dai Great Temple is roughly 55 kilometers away from the Cu Chi tunnels, making it a great addition to your away-from-Saigon trip. To learn more about the temple, check out our Cao Dai Temples article!

V. Travel with us

Ready to dive into the depths of the Cu Chi tunnels? Book a tour with Luxury Travel to get the best out of your trip. We offer custom-made tour itineraries tailored to your demands, along with premium services that cater to your every need and unique cultural insights and experiences from our seasoned guides. 

Contact us at: 

Address: No.456 Lac Long Quan Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: (+84) 4 3927 4120
Hotline: (+84) 1234 68 69 96

The post Visit Cu Chi Tunnels, Saigon & Learn About Vietnam’s Guerilla War appeared first on Luxury Travel's Blog.

Independence Palace in Saigon – Come and Finf Pieces of the Past

Saigon’s Independence Palace stands as a testament to Vietnamese history and as a manifestation of the distant 1960s architecture. Pieces of the past can be found throughout the Palace and if you’re a history buff, this place is next to heaven. Come explore!

I. General Information


  • Location


The Independence Palace is located at 135 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 1. At the heart of the city, the Palace is within a stone’s throw of many other famous landmarks such as the Notre Dame Cathedral or the Central Post Office.

Therefore, it is very easy to reach this destination simply by taxi or on buses number 01, 02, 03, 04, or 05.


  • Admission fee


For entry to the Independence Palace, refer to the fees below:

  • Adults: 40.000đ/pax
  • Students: 20.000đ/pax
  • Children: 10.000đ/pax


  • Opening hours


The Palace is open from 8 AM to 17:30 PM, with ticket sales running from 8 AM to 4 PM.

II. The history of the Independence Palace

The Independence Palace started off as the Norodom Palace – a mansion built by French colonialists to serve the Governor of Cochinchina in 1868. With its construction finished in 1871, the Palace became the residence and office for many French governors during the period from 1887 to 1945. 

After the Geneva Conference was held in 1954, The Norodom Palace was under the control of Ngo Dinh Diem – the Prime Minister of the State of Vietnam. Diem subsequently renamed the Palace to Independence Palace in 1955, making it the symbol for the Southern Vietnamese government back then.

In 1962, the Palace was destroyed beyond repair by uprising forces and was rebuilt from the ground up following the design by architect Ngo Viet Thu. The Palace became fully operational once again in 1966 and served as the office of the President of the Republic of Vietnam.

As the legendary Ho Chi Minh campaign reached its pinnacle in 1975, the Independence Palace received a minor bombing by pilot Nguyen Thanh Trung – a spy that the North Vietnamese army planted inside the South Vietnamese air force. At last, a tank by the North Vietnamese army ran over the front gate of the Palace and the Vietnamese flag was placed atop its roof, marking the end of the Vietnam war. 

III. What to see at the Independence Palace

The Independence Palace spans across a total of over 120000 square meters, with much of the area covered in lush green trees and plants. A few war artifacts can be found on display around the outdoor campus, along with several tennis courts

The actual Palace building covers 4500 square meters of ground and consists of 3 floors, 2 mezzanines, 1 terrace, 1 ground floor, and basement. The interior of the Palace remains nearly unchanged and contains a plentitude of informative signs to guide your visit and provide historical context. Unless time doesn’t allow, it is recommended that you take a look at every nook and cranny of this place to understand in full the stories behind this landmark. 


  • Fixed area


The fixed area is likely to be the first area you walk into when visiting the Palace. This area comprises over 100 rooms, each serving different purposes and taking on different styles of furnishing and decoration. 

Among the most prominent rooms, the Chamber stands out for its spacious area, which can hold up to 500 people. This room, often used for meetings and receptions, is adorned with splendid tapestries and couches, along with several gorgeous chandeliers emitting a pleasant golden light.

The Cabinet Office where all important meetings were held

On par with the exquisiteness of the Chamber is the Cabinet Room, where internal meetings would take place. A few other interesting rooms include the Library, which houses important books and documents belonging to the old administration and the Strategic Operations Room, where military liaison from 4 tactical regions is handled and strategic plans are made and updated. 

The bedroom of the President

Additionally, the Basement, which consists of specialized rooms for communications and publication, is also a worthwhile visit. You can also check out the Presidential Family Residence or the Ballroom to get a sense of how life was like for the highest-ranking residents of the Palace. 

More one hundred rooms of the palace were decorated in different style depending on its use including the Cabinet Office, the throne hall, the working office of the President, the banquet room, the library, etc


  • Themed area


The themed area puts on display photos, documents, or items relating to several themes such as the Paris Peace Accords or the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The articles on display are accompanied by explanatory text to ensure you get the most accurate history out of your viewing experience. There is also a dedicated exhibition to detail the history of the Independence Palace itself, called ‘From Norodom Palace to Independence Palace, 1868 – 1966’. 


  • Complementary area


The complementary area features historical items recovered after the Vietnam war had ended and peace was established. These photos and documents serve to illustrate the spine-chilling horrors of war, as well as the undying spirit of resistance of Vietnamese people. 


  • Artifacts


The artifacts in the Independence Palace offers a glance at how history played out in times of war. The most prominent artifacts are undoubtedly the tanks 390 and 843 – the duo that knocked down the gates to the Palace to lead the way for the Revolutionary Forces. 

The helipad of The Independence Palace

On the roof of the Palace lies President Thieu’s UH-1 helicopter, placed adjacent to the markings of the two bombs dropped by pilot Nguyen Thanh Trung. The German Mercedes Benz 200 W110 – President Thieu’s vehicle – is also on display, along with the M152A2 Jeep used by the Revolutionary Forces to escort President Duong Van Minh to the Saigon radio station, where he declared surrender on April 30th, 1975. 

IV. Visiting notes




  • Formal clothing is required.
  • Instructions from signs and security personnel must be followed.
  • No luggage is allowed inside the Palace.
  • No food or drink is allowed inside the Palace.
  • No animal is allowed inside the Palace.
  • No weapons and combustive or toxic substances are allowed inside the Palace.
  • Visitors are responsible for any damages caused to the Palace.

Free audio tour



Self-guided tours with audio are provided in the following languages: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, German, Spanish, Russian, Thai and Vietnamese. Upon finishing your visit, you can also watch a 30-minute documentary called ‘The History of the Independence Palace’ in English, French, Japanese or Chinese. 

V. Travel with us

Thrilled to pull back the curtain on the Independence Palace? Book a tour with Luxury Travel to get the best out of your trip. We offer custom-made tour itineraries tailored to your demands, along with premium services that cater to your every need and unique cultural insights and experiences from our seasoned guides. 

Contact us at: 

Address: No.456 Lac Long Quan Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: (+84) 4 3927 4120
Hotline: (+84) 1234 68 69 96

The post Independence Palace in Saigon – Come and Finf Pieces of the Past appeared first on Luxury Travel's Blog.

Independence Palace in Saigon – Come and Finf Pieces of the Past

Saigon’s Independence Palace stands as a testament to Vietnamese history and as a manifestation of the distant 1960s architecture. Pieces of the past can be found throughout the Palace and if you’re a history buff, this place is next to heaven. Come explore!

I. General Information


  • Location


The Independence Palace is located at 135 Nam Ky Khoi Nghia in Ho Chi Minh City’s District 1. At the heart of the city, the Palace is within a stone’s throw of many other famous landmarks such as the Notre Dame Cathedral or the Central Post Office.

Therefore, it is very easy to reach this destination simply by taxi or on buses number 01, 02, 03, 04, or 05.


  • Admission fee


For entry to the Independence Palace, refer to the fees below:

  • Adults: 40.000đ/pax
  • Students: 20.000đ/pax
  • Children: 10.000đ/pax


  • Opening hours


The Palace is open from 8 AM to 17:30 PM, with ticket sales running from 8 AM to 4 PM.

II. The history of the Independence Palace

The Independence Palace started off as the Norodom Palace – a mansion built by French colonialists to serve the Governor of Cochinchina in 1868. With its construction finished in 1871, the Palace became the residence and office for many French governors during the period from 1887 to 1945. 

After the Geneva Conference was held in 1954, The Norodom Palace was under the control of Ngo Dinh Diem – the Prime Minister of the State of Vietnam. Diem subsequently renamed the Palace to Independence Palace in 1955, making it the symbol for the Southern Vietnamese government back then.

In 1962, the Palace was destroyed beyond repair by uprising forces and was rebuilt from the ground up following the design by architect Ngo Viet Thu. The Palace became fully operational once again in 1966 and served as the office of the President of the Republic of Vietnam.

As the legendary Ho Chi Minh campaign reached its pinnacle in 1975, the Independence Palace received a minor bombing by pilot Nguyen Thanh Trung – a spy that the North Vietnamese army planted inside the South Vietnamese air force. At last, a tank by the North Vietnamese army ran over the front gate of the Palace and the Vietnamese flag was placed atop its roof, marking the end of the Vietnam war. 

III. What to see at the Independence Palace

The Independence Palace spans across a total of over 120000 square meters, with much of the area covered in lush green trees and plants. A few war artifacts can be found on display around the outdoor campus, along with several tennis courts

The actual Palace building covers 4500 square meters of ground and consists of 3 floors, 2 mezzanines, 1 terrace, 1 ground floor, and basement. The interior of the Palace remains nearly unchanged and contains a plentitude of informative signs to guide your visit and provide historical context. Unless time doesn’t allow, it is recommended that you take a look at every nook and cranny of this place to understand in full the stories behind this landmark. 


  • Fixed area


The fixed area is likely to be the first area you walk into when visiting the Palace. This area comprises over 100 rooms, each serving different purposes and taking on different styles of furnishing and decoration. 

Among the most prominent rooms, the Chamber stands out for its spacious area, which can hold up to 500 people. This room, often used for meetings and receptions, is adorned with splendid tapestries and couches, along with several gorgeous chandeliers emitting a pleasant golden light.

The Cabinet Office where all important meetings were held

On par with the exquisiteness of the Chamber is the Cabinet Room, where internal meetings would take place. A few other interesting rooms include the Library, which houses important books and documents belonging to the old administration and the Strategic Operations Room, where military liaison from 4 tactical regions is handled and strategic plans are made and updated. 

The bedroom of the President

Additionally, the Basement, which consists of specialized rooms for communications and publication, is also a worthwhile visit. You can also check out the Presidential Family Residence or the Ballroom to get a sense of how life was like for the highest-ranking residents of the Palace. 

More one hundred rooms of the palace were decorated in different style depending on its use including the Cabinet Office, the throne hall, the working office of the President, the banquet room, the library, etc


  • Themed area


The themed area puts on display photos, documents, or items relating to several themes such as the Paris Peace Accords or the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The articles on display are accompanied by explanatory text to ensure you get the most accurate history out of your viewing experience. There is also a dedicated exhibition to detail the history of the Independence Palace itself, called ‘From Norodom Palace to Independence Palace, 1868 – 1966’. 


  • Complementary area


The complementary area features historical items recovered after the Vietnam war had ended and peace was established. These photos and documents serve to illustrate the spine-chilling horrors of war, as well as the undying spirit of resistance of Vietnamese people. 


  • Artifacts


The artifacts in the Independence Palace offers a glance at how history played out in times of war. The most prominent artifacts are undoubtedly the tanks 390 and 843 – the duo that knocked down the gates to the Palace to lead the way for the Revolutionary Forces. 

The helipad of The Independence Palace

On the roof of the Palace lies President Thieu’s UH-1 helicopter, placed adjacent to the markings of the two bombs dropped by pilot Nguyen Thanh Trung. The German Mercedes Benz 200 W110 – President Thieu’s vehicle – is also on display, along with the M152A2 Jeep used by the Revolutionary Forces to escort President Duong Van Minh to the Saigon radio station, where he declared surrender on April 30th, 1975. 

IV. Visiting notes




  • Formal clothing is required.
  • Instructions from signs and security personnel must be followed.
  • No luggage is allowed inside the Palace.
  • No food or drink is allowed inside the Palace.
  • No animal is allowed inside the Palace.
  • No weapons and combustive or toxic substances are allowed inside the Palace.
  • Visitors are responsible for any damages caused to the Palace.

Free audio tour



Self-guided tours with audio are provided in the following languages: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, German, Spanish, Russian, Thai and Vietnamese. Upon finishing your visit, you can also watch a 30-minute documentary called ‘The History of the Independence Palace’ in English, French, Japanese or Chinese. 

V. Travel with us

Thrilled to pull back the curtain on the Independence Palace? Book a tour with Luxury Travel to get the best out of your trip. We offer custom-made tour itineraries tailored to your demands, along with premium services that cater to your every need and unique cultural insights and experiences from our seasoned guides. 

Contact us at: 

Address: No.456 Lac Long Quan Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: (+84) 4 3927 4120
Hotline: (+84) 1234 68 69 96

The post Independence Palace in Saigon – Come and Finf Pieces of the Past appeared first on Luxury Travel's Blog.

Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon

When it comes to Catholic icons in Vietnam, few have managed to stand the test of time for so long as the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon. Built in the late 1800s, the Cathedral remains a testament to the crucial role that its religion plays in Vietnamese society. 

I. General Information

The Complete Guide to Ho Thi Ky Flower Market in Saigon


  • Location


The Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica is located at the heart of Ho Chi Minh City’s bustling district 1 on Paris Commune Paris street. Right across from the Central Post Office and not too far from the Independent Palace, the cathedral stands recognizably among the city’s most iconic landmarks. 

To get to it, simply take a taxi or buses 04, 120, 18, 30, 31, 36, and 93. 


  • Operating hours


The cathedral opens its doors to worshippers every Sunday when a mass is held at 9:30 AM in both English and Vietnamese.

II. The history of the Notre-Dame Basilica Cathedral 

Shortly after the French began their colonization of Saigon, the Roman Catholic Church entered the city bringing religious services for the colonialists. Seeing the lack of an adequately-sized place of worship, bishop Lefevre began the construction of a wooden church in 1863. This church was completed within 2 years and named ‘Saigon Church’, only to be destroyed by a severe case of termites. 

A competition was held to determine the designer and supervisor of the church’s reconstruction. Jules Bourard, a religious architecture expert, held the winning bid and decided to build a miniature replica of the Notre-Dame de Paris. His design not only followed the cathedral’s forms but also took on a Romanesque look. 

Groundbreaking for the new cathedral was done in a ceremony in 1877 by bishop Isidore Colombert. All building materials were sourced directly from France, including the iconic red bricks that make up the cathedral’s exterior. After 3 years of construction, the completion of the cathedral was celebrated with a dignified ceremony on 11 April 1880. The ceremony was attended by the Governor of Cochinchina. 

In 1895, the two bell towers were added to the cathedral, each carrying six bells made of bronze. Crosses were also installed on top of these towers, each measuring 3.5 meters in height. With the installation complete, the total height of the cathedral is 60.5 meters. 

In 1959, the cathedral received a statue of Our Lady of Peace from Rome. The statue is made of granite and was welcomed in a ceremony held by Bishop Pham Van Thien, who was also responsible for ordering it.

Through many name changes, the cathedral is now known as the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon, with its basilica status conferred by Pope John XXIII in 1962. 

III. Unique features 


  • Exterior


On the outside, the Notre-Dame Cathedral stands out as a more vibrant version of the Notre-Dame de Paris, donned with meticulous architectural details coming from the Romanesque style. The bright orange bricks that make up most of the cathedral’s exterior came directly from the city of Toulouse in France. While the bricks were not coated in any way, they have managed to retain their radiant color. 

Another striking feature of the cathedral is a pair of white bell towers soaring into the sky. The pair contains 6 bells each, which are electronically controlled. It is said that you can hear the sound of all 6 bells ringing in unison from nearly 10 kilometers away.


  • Interior


The presence of Romanesque and Gothic architecture is even more prominent in the interior of the Notre-Dame Cathedral. Inside the Basilica lies 2 rows of rectangular pillars with 6 pillars on each, representing the 12 apostles. Immediately behind these rows stands a chapel with over 20 small altars and white statues. A larger alter resides in the cathedral’s sanctuary. This alter is made of marble and adorned with 6 angels carved into it. The walls of the cathedral are lined with 56 colorful glass pane windows describing characters or events from the Holy Bible. 


  • Our Lady of Peace statue


In front of the cathedral is the Paris Commune square where the famous Our Lady of Peace statue stands. The statue is surrounded by multicolor flower beds and flocks of lively pigeons, adding to its iconic symbol of peace.

Installed in 1959, the statue made international news headlines when a rumor in 2005 claimed that Our Lady’s eyes were shedding tears. While this could not be confirmed, it did draw much attention to the statue and the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Nowadays, the square serves as a popular tourist gathering spot for photos and sightseeing. Many followers of Catholicism also make frequent visits here to admire the Queen of Peace. 

IV. Activities 


  • Visiting hours


As of now, the cathedral is yet to be open to public visits, as it is still going through an extensive renovation project that began in 2017 and is expected to finish in June 2020. The project is said to be redoing the cathedral’s tile roof, switching out broken stained glass sheets and wall bricks, as well as giving the foundation some extra reinforcement. 

Nevertheless, the Basilica remains a popular photo spot, with the Paris Commune Square still open to any tourists who want a gorgeous shot in front of it. Furthermore, as work on the front of the cathedral has finished, you are free to admire the Romanesque beauty of this landmark from a distance. 


  • Sunday mass


Masses are held every Sunday at 9:30 AM in both Vietnamese and English.

V. Attractions around Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica

As mentioned above, the Notre-Dame Cathedral is across the street from the Central Post Office, which is right next to the Nguyen Van Binh book street. Within walking distance, you can also reach Nguyen Hue walking street, the Independence Palace, or the War Remnants Museum.

VI. Travel with us

Can’t wait to admire the Romanesque beauty of the Notre-Dame Cathedral? Book a tour with Luxury Travel to get the best out of your trip. We offer custom-made tour itineraries tailored to your demands, along with premium services that cater to your every need and unique cultural insights and experiences from our seasoned guides. 

Contact us at: 

Address: No.456 Lac Long Quan Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: (+84) 4 3927 4120
Hotline: (+84) 1234 68 69 96

The post Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon appeared first on Luxury Travel's Blog.

Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon

When it comes to Catholic icons in Vietnam, few have managed to stand the test of time for so long as the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon. Built in the late 1800s, the Cathedral remains a testament to the crucial role that its religion plays in Vietnamese society. 

I. General Information

The Complete Guide to Ho Thi Ky Flower Market in Saigon


  • Location


The Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica is located at the heart of Ho Chi Minh City’s bustling district 1 on Paris Commune Paris street. Right across from the Central Post Office and not too far from the Independent Palace, the cathedral stands recognizably among the city’s most iconic landmarks. 

To get to it, simply take a taxi or buses 04, 120, 18, 30, 31, 36, and 93. 


  • Operating hours


The cathedral opens its doors to worshippers every Sunday when a mass is held at 9:30 AM in both English and Vietnamese.

II. The history of the Notre-Dame Basilica Cathedral 

Shortly after the French began their colonization of Saigon, the Roman Catholic Church entered the city bringing religious services for the colonialists. Seeing the lack of an adequately-sized place of worship, bishop Lefevre began the construction of a wooden church in 1863. This church was completed within 2 years and named ‘Saigon Church’, only to be destroyed by a severe case of termites. 

A competition was held to determine the designer and supervisor of the church’s reconstruction. Jules Bourard, a religious architecture expert, held the winning bid and decided to build a miniature replica of the Notre-Dame de Paris. His design not only followed the cathedral’s forms but also took on a Romanesque look. 

Groundbreaking for the new cathedral was done in a ceremony in 1877 by bishop Isidore Colombert. All building materials were sourced directly from France, including the iconic red bricks that make up the cathedral’s exterior. After 3 years of construction, the completion of the cathedral was celebrated with a dignified ceremony on 11 April 1880. The ceremony was attended by the Governor of Cochinchina. 

In 1895, the two bell towers were added to the cathedral, each carrying six bells made of bronze. Crosses were also installed on top of these towers, each measuring 3.5 meters in height. With the installation complete, the total height of the cathedral is 60.5 meters. 

In 1959, the cathedral received a statue of Our Lady of Peace from Rome. The statue is made of granite and was welcomed in a ceremony held by Bishop Pham Van Thien, who was also responsible for ordering it.

Through many name changes, the cathedral is now known as the Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon, with its basilica status conferred by Pope John XXIII in 1962. 

III. Unique features 


  • Exterior


On the outside, the Notre-Dame Cathedral stands out as a more vibrant version of the Notre-Dame de Paris, donned with meticulous architectural details coming from the Romanesque style. The bright orange bricks that make up most of the cathedral’s exterior came directly from the city of Toulouse in France. While the bricks were not coated in any way, they have managed to retain their radiant color. 

Another striking feature of the cathedral is a pair of white bell towers soaring into the sky. The pair contains 6 bells each, which are electronically controlled. It is said that you can hear the sound of all 6 bells ringing in unison from nearly 10 kilometers away.


  • Interior


The presence of Romanesque and Gothic architecture is even more prominent in the interior of the Notre-Dame Cathedral. Inside the Basilica lies 2 rows of rectangular pillars with 6 pillars on each, representing the 12 apostles. Immediately behind these rows stands a chapel with over 20 small altars and white statues. A larger alter resides in the cathedral’s sanctuary. This alter is made of marble and adorned with 6 angels carved into it. The walls of the cathedral are lined with 56 colorful glass pane windows describing characters or events from the Holy Bible. 


  • Our Lady of Peace statue


In front of the cathedral is the Paris Commune square where the famous Our Lady of Peace statue stands. The statue is surrounded by multicolor flower beds and flocks of lively pigeons, adding to its iconic symbol of peace.

Installed in 1959, the statue made international news headlines when a rumor in 2005 claimed that Our Lady’s eyes were shedding tears. While this could not be confirmed, it did draw much attention to the statue and the Notre-Dame Cathedral.

Nowadays, the square serves as a popular tourist gathering spot for photos and sightseeing. Many followers of Catholicism also make frequent visits here to admire the Queen of Peace. 

IV. Activities 


  • Visiting hours


As of now, the cathedral is yet to be open to public visits, as it is still going through an extensive renovation project that began in 2017 and is expected to finish in June 2020. The project is said to be redoing the cathedral’s tile roof, switching out broken stained glass sheets and wall bricks, as well as giving the foundation some extra reinforcement. 

Nevertheless, the Basilica remains a popular photo spot, with the Paris Commune Square still open to any tourists who want a gorgeous shot in front of it. Furthermore, as work on the front of the cathedral has finished, you are free to admire the Romanesque beauty of this landmark from a distance. 


  • Sunday mass


Masses are held every Sunday at 9:30 AM in both Vietnamese and English.

V. Attractions around Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica

As mentioned above, the Notre-Dame Cathedral is across the street from the Central Post Office, which is right next to the Nguyen Van Binh book street. Within walking distance, you can also reach Nguyen Hue walking street, the Independence Palace, or the War Remnants Museum.

VI. Travel with us

Can’t wait to admire the Romanesque beauty of the Notre-Dame Cathedral? Book a tour with Luxury Travel to get the best out of your trip. We offer custom-made tour itineraries tailored to your demands, along with premium services that cater to your every need and unique cultural insights and experiences from our seasoned guides. 

Contact us at: 

Address: No.456 Lac Long Quan Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: (+84) 4 3927 4120
Hotline: (+84) 1234 68 69 96

The post Notre-Dame Cathedral Basilica of Saigon appeared first on Luxury Travel's Blog.